some more (up to the 8th paragraph)


送交者: lightman 于 2010-02-09, 08:45:19:

回答: 2cents 由 lightman 于 2010-02-09, 07:03:04:

4th paragraph:

by referring to each other -> through communication with the others ...

were hospitalized over the same period -> took the operation over the same ... ?

more will follow -> it is expected more will follow ?

they claimed that they were misled -> they alleged ?

, but the procedure proved to be ineffective .... -> , and that the procedure proved to be ineffective, even led to ...

has been dissolved ... -> had been dissolved

5th paragraph:

proof of the success -> the proof of success

widely propagated -> widely promoted ?

inspiring ... for the procedure -> attracting ... to the procedure

, other than developed ... -> . Instead, he developed..

doctors had little ... -> the doctors

6th paragraph

document carrying -> asserting

Less than 7 months... -> However, less than...

7th paragraph

behind Xiao procedure -> behind the Xiao procedure

organized by ... -> appointed by ...

another critical opinion -> the critical opinion

has never been disclosed -> had never been disclosed

8th paragraph

unethical practice that is lacking ...

benefited from -> was resulted from

the effects of detethering -> the effect of ...

which is exactly the indication of ... -> which indicates exactly detethering has been done.



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