here's a story about china's "sweat shop"


送交者: kma 于 2010-02-07, 20:12:30:

回答: 一边低成本享受中国民工的血汗廉价产品,一边自我陶醉用资本拯救了中国经济 由 NOC 于 2010-02-07, 19:47:37:

once an idealistic HK student, who's interested in this, got inside one of the numerous guangdong cloth factory and shot many images. when those got disclosed in HK, it arouse great media frenzy because the factory was invested by HK businessmen. under pressure the factory was closed and hundreds workers lost job. word out was they hated that student.

it just shows again most things in this world are complicated. simply saying onething bad or good is not much useful, in most cases it has to be evaluated in a comparative way:

when you claim A is bad, you better be prepared to propose plan B and show it's better than A



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