

送交者: qm 于 2009-11-30, 14:21:12:

回答: 阴谋论者说阿波罗登月是骗局的时候,也是信誓旦旦,有名有姓。 由 whatistruth 于 2009-11-30, 13:44:41:

There are some facts here:

1. There is no irrefutable proof that the globe is warming. There are evidence both ways. The definite answer is maybe.

2. There is no proof that the warming, even if it is true, is caused by CO2. There are questionable statistical corelation based on questionable data. The definite answer is again a maybe.

3. There is no proof that the current warming, even if it is true, will be sustained for a few more centuries.

4. There is no proof that the current warming, even if it is true and sustainable for a while, will be disastrous rather than beneficial.

5. There is no proof that the current warming, even if it is true and will be disastrous, can be stopped by the pending Copenhagen treaty.

Want more facts? The climate study is not a rigorous science. They blow their hypothesis out of proportion.



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