再看报告中涉及integrity of the scientific process那一段,


送交者: year2226 于 2010-05-15, 02:16:02:

回答: 说的是谁的操守?科学界内的还是科学界外的? 由 方舟子 于 2010-05-15, 01:04:15:

把integrity of the scientific process解释成"对科学规范,标准,道德等的坚持"也是讲的通的。联邦层面各种不利于科学研究的政策和行为,对科学家"坚持科学规范,标准,道德等"是一种挑战和威胁。

For the last several years, there have been growing indications of systematic challenges and threats at the federal level to the integrity of the scientific process using a variety of strategies and tactics. Independent government review organizations and advisory boards have been disbanded. Access to data and information has been
reduced. Federal scientists have been muzzled. Scientific reputations, rather than scientific evidence itself, have been questioned. Scientific analyses and conclusions, prepared within federal agencies or by people outside of government, have been changed for political and ideological reasons by people who have not done the scientific work. Work by partisan organizations has been substituted for work by non-partisan scientists.



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