

送交者: james_hussein_bond 于 2009-11-26, 11:35:08:

回答: 以下内容需要翻译,请大家帮忙 由 Yush 于 2009-11-26, 11:00:30:

Birth of "artificial reflex arc" theory


Xiao said, his first idea of artificial reflex arc, was after the big Tangshan earthquake in 1976. "I was a first year resident doctor. The hospital was filled with injured (from the earthquake). Among them, the most miserable were those paralyzed. They couldn't move, and worse, they couldn't control bowel movement and urine. It was heart wrenching.


Urination is a complicated process, "but the key is in the last step, a signal from the bladder to empty." Xiao said, "Paralyzed patients because the spinal cord is severed, the signal from the top cannot reach the bottom, so they cannot control urination. But their nerves below are still good. For example they still have the knee tendon reflex, if you strike the knee the leg still comes up. So I thought, can we use these nerves to control bladder? If we connect the nerve to the bladder, then stimulate it from the outside, would that be the signal we need?"


"Put it simply, my idead is to connect one of these nerves to a splanchnic nerve that controls the bladder, to form an artificial reflex arc. This will allow patients to control their urination.


In 1978, Xiao was admitted to the graduate school. He remembers, "My decision to choose urology was to realize my dream of solving the continence problem of paralyzed patients. But at that time, our research conditions were very poor, we couldn't do it. Not until when I went to the US, I was able to gradually implement my ideas."


While in the US, Xiao took advantage of the better conditions, "applied for a research grant, and experimented on mice, cats, and dogs. Through animal experiments, I had the preliminary proof of my idea. In 1990, I reported for the first time this work on the US urology conference in the form of a conference proceeding."

1995 年,肖传国开始做临床应用研究。他选择的第一站是河南平顶山煤业集团总医院,之所以没有首先在美国做,是因为“在美国申请基金非常慢,最快也要等一年半到两年。而且美国对做临床研究审批很严,光是做个口服药都要(准备)成卡车的文件,做人(的手术)就更难了,再加上我又是一个外国人,就不知道难到哪里去了。”

In 1995, Xiao began research the clinical application. His first choice was the Pingdingshan Coal Mine Hospital in Henan province. The reason that he did not first do the trial in the US, was because that "in the US application for grants is very slow, at least one and a half to two years. In addition, the US has much stricter approval process for clinical trials. Even for oral drugs you would need truckloads of paperwork. It's harder for surgery procedures. Further, I am a foreigner, it would be even more difficult."


"At that time, the head of Pingdingshan Coal Mine Health Bureau was visiting the US. He heard that I was working on this so invited me to their hospital. I went and visited them. The biggest advantage that hospital offered was that all the patients were miners so we could keep long term track of them."


According to Xiao, the clinical study at Pingdingshan hospital "did not require approval from Department of Health, only needed the hospital ethics committee's approval."



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