[PLoS Currents: Influenza] First estimation of direct H1N1pdm virulence


送交者: winter 于 2009-11-26, 07:58:49:

First estimation of direct H1N1pdm virulence
From reported non consolidated data from Mauritius and New Caledonia
PLoS Currents: Influenza, 2009

We provide rough estimates of direct lethality from ARDS due to H1N1pdm from two independent sources of data, one from New Caledonia where 30,000 infections are assumed to have occured and 3 deaths reported to be attributable directly to the pandemic virus. Another source is Mauritius where 70,000 infections are estimated to have occured, and 7 reported death from ARDS (5 of them are currently confirmed). These surveillance data allows for first estimation of direct lethality due to H1N1pdm to be 1 per 10,000 infections, about 100 times more than regular seasonal influenza.



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