

送交者: xname 于 2010-05-09, 21:44:17:

回答: 你是错的,integrity of science不是这个意思 由 xname 于 2010-05-09, 21:42:08:

We may speak of the integrity of a person, such as an artist or politician; of a body
of work, such as a writer's or painter's oeuvre; or of an institution, such as a voting
system, a company, an academic discipline. So thinking about "the integrity of
science" leads to a whole snarl of issues: about science qua body of work, about individual
scientists, and about science qua institution; about wholeness, unity, and
adherence to values; and about values of different kinds - the ethical, the aesthetic,
and the epistemological - and the relations among them.



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