better set up a donation site for yushu


送交者: kma 于 2010-04-18, 14:44:04:

回答: 用很熟悉一个澳大利亚的旅游广告,我做个上海世博的广告吧。 由 bluesea 于 2010-04-18, 14:32:56:

ccp is very worried about how to balance between it and expo, the grace period this time is too short than 2008 occasion.

how to celebrate expo without offending quake victims, the best way is being on offensive, voluntarily mentioning a lot about quake: in opening addresses by hu jt and other leaders; part of profits going for quake rebuilding; and donation efforts throughout 5 month long expo.

perhaps ccp should learn from uncle sam's memory of 9/11 at 2002 winter olympics



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