

送交者: runlikeforest 于 2010-04-01, 10:48:21:

回答: 谢谢tiger, 您给的链接很有用 由 Toolet 于 2010-04-01, 09:31:08:

热水泡脚-heat should/can be used for old injuries at least a week from being injured. It will cause internal bleeding and inflamation which worsen the symtoms if used for newly injuries.

Ice: For almost all fresh injuries, icing is completely necessary and can dramatically decrease the inflamation and rapidly shorten the cure time. Icing will decrease the pain at least temporarily.

My suggest is: ice it for 20 min for 3-5 times a day for at least a week. Then heat and ice alternatively. of course she needs to take ibprofen, stretch, rest, cushion, etc...



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