

送交者: heretic 于 2009-07-21, 18:50:53:

回答: 最猛的国际会议? 由 学州神人 于 2009-07-21, 15:32:08:

ICCCAS 2008 Paper Citation Information

The Technical Program Committee of ICCCAS 2008 received the Letter of Acquisition from the IEEE Acquisitions Administrator, MS. Patricia Thompson on January 10, 2008. In the Letter, we are notified that the Proceedings of ICCCAS 2008 have been assigned the following:

IEEE Catalog Number: CFP08807

ISBN: 978-1-4244-2064-3

Library of Congress: 2008900301

That means each paper included in the Proceedings of ICCCAS 2008 will be cited by EI and ISTP once the conference is held since this Proceedings will be an official IEEE publication. To further insure the citations, we have decided to entrust the Client Services, IEEE Conference and Custom Publishing to edit the Proceedings of ICCCAS 2008. The entrusting procedure now is ongoing.


Important Notice on the ATP of ICCCAS 2009
30 June 2009

Dear Authors of ICCCAS 2009,
The ATP (Advanced Technical Program) of ICCCAS 2009 is going to public today.
1. Please go to the site map Technical Program to see if your accepted paper/papers is/are included in this ATP version, if it is not, please contact us to avoid any possible mistake.
2. Please do tell us if you intend to attend our conference for presenting your paper or not, if you do please tell us which venue are you going to: Crowne Plaza Hotel at Milpitas, San Jose USA or Jin-Niu Hotel in Chengdu China.
3. Based on author’s feedback attendance information, we will work out two Execute Technical Program (ETP) brochures, one for the San Jose venue, other for the Chengdu venue.
4. Due to the spreading Swine H1N1 flu, ICCCAS 2009 has to be split as a Bi-conference operation, we apologize for the inconvenience caused to all conference attendants.


Non-author conference participants are welcome to join us

ICCCAS 2009 will be held on July 23-25 at Crowne Plaza Hotel at Milpitas, San Jose, California, USA. The conference features 4 Keynote Speeches covering the cutting-edge issues in the areas of communications, signal processing, wireless networks as well as the memristor and memristive systems (MMS). Some Special Sessions consisting invited talks in the fields of EDA, MMS, MTT (Microwave Theory and Techniques) are also available during the conference dates. To let the persons studying or working in the San Francisco Area and Silicon Valley being able to share with us, ICCCAS 2009 Steering Committee are calling for participating of the non-author conference attendants. Now they are welcome to download and fill registration form and send it back to icccas09@uestc.edu.cn. We will make new reservations at the conference venue based on the number of registered people and send invitation to them such that they could join us on the conference dates.

ICCCAS Technical Program Committee
June 8, 2009



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