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送交者: meiyou 于 2009-07-07, 15:12:11:

回答: MJ死了,不知道JAY LENO有什么话说?生前可是没少埋汰MJ 由 meiyou 于 2009-07-07, 14:53:39:

Jay Leno silent on Michael Jackson's death
June 30, 6:59 AM

Jay Leno

On his last night at the helm of his seventeen year reign as host of the Tonight Show, the king of late night Jay Leno thanked all who made his tenure a successful one.

Especially Michael Jackson.

The comedian, who to no small degree made a career out of making fun of Michael Jackson has not yet issued a statement about the King of Pop's death to the mainstream media.

Uncharacteristic of Leno, who is usually the first to reflect on a celebrity friend's passing, Jay, however, is in good company in his silence. A multitude of stars - mostly comedians - are struggling to find an appropriate way to acknowledge the death of Jackson.

Throughout Hollywood's comedic circles, Michael Jackson's death has left a lot of comedian's and filmmakers scrambling.

Universal Pictures film "Bruno" starring Sacha Baron Cohen had to return to the cutting room to delete a scene involving La Toya Jackson. A spokesman for Universal said the decision was made by the filmmakers "out of respect for the Jackson family."

Per usual with a time of grieving in Hollywood, there is generally an accepted grace period in which it is simply "too soon" to make light of a celeb's passing.

But since the magnitude of Jackson's death is the greatest since Elvis or Princess Diana, it is probably safe to presume that most comics won't tread on Jackson territory for a long time, if ever again.



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