

送交者: 阮宗光 于 2009-07-01, 13:47:13:

回答: 这段最新文字可帮助你理解"just beat it" 的意思 由 ASH 于 2009-07-01, 11:55:36:

Michael Jackson, the Great Chef

Michael Jackson was the greatest chef America has ever produced. Not only was he responsible for inventing numerous exciting dishes, he was also the first to successfully exploit the media of laser discs and video tapes to propagate his recipes. His discs and tapes were best sellers all around the world, including such remote places as Armenia, Botswana and China.
In one of his video clips, Michael explains the techniques of cake making.
First you must get some eggs, and "Beat it; Beat it."
Then you must put the cake into the oven, and "Heat it; Heat it."
Then you must take the cake out, and "Eat it; Eat it."
The messages are direct and easily understood. They touched the hearts of his fans all around the world, not to mention stomaches.
Michael puts all his energy and commitment into his work, and even risked his life regularly - the kitchen being such a dangerous place, where fire mixes with water, and water with oil; where lamb's meat is placed next to lion's meat, and in some Chinese kitchens there are even snakes! Once, Michael was taping a famous recipe sponsored by Pepsi Cola, and his hair caught fire. Coming out of the hospital, he was asked by reporters whether he would go through the same experience again, and he answered without hesitation: "Of course! In the words of the famous old Chef, Harry Truman, 'If you cannot stand the heat, get out of the kitchen.'"
It is no wonder that Michael Jackson sets an example of professional dedication and personal mission to young people everywhere. Sooner or later, everyone learns to go into the kitchen and risk his life to cook a meal, inspired by the great example of Michael Jackson. The world owes him a debt.



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