

送交者: jhuang 于 2009-11-11, 23:59:38:

From the 'Lectric Law Library's stacks
Declaration Of Intention/Problems With Papers


Before the present naturalization law came into effect on December 24, 1952, persons generally were required to file a declaration of intention to become a citizen of the United States -- which was known as the "first paper" -- and then had to wait for not less than two years before they could take the next step toward becoming a citizen of the United States, that is, before they could file a petition for naturalization. Since 1952 a declaration of intention is no longer required before a person can become a citizen, and an application for naturalization may be filed as soon as the required residence and other qualifications for citizenship have been met. The law still permits the "Declaration of Intention," to be filed, if one is needed for such reasons as getting certain employment or license of some kind. The only requirements are that the person be at least 18 years old and lawfully admitted to the United States for permanent residence. The declaration may be filed at any time after admission for permanent residence and in any Service office. The person is not required to be able to read, write, and speak English or to pass any examination on the history and form of government of the United States, and he or she may sign the declaration in amy language or by mark. The application is Form N-300, "Application to File Declaration of Intention." This form may be obtained from the nearest office of the Immigration and Naturalization Service or, possibly, from a social service agency in the community. It is filed with the nearest office of the Immigration and Naturalization Service. Form N-300 requires three photographs and payment of a fee as described in the application. NATURALIZATION AND CITIZENSHIP PAPER LOST, MUTILATED OR DESTROYED, OR WHERE NAME HAS BEEN CHANGED A person whose "Declaration of Intention" or whose certificate of naturalization/citizenship has been lost, mutilated or destroyed, or naturalized person whose name has been changed by a court or by marriage after naturalization, may apply for a new declaration or certificate. The application, Form N-565 "Application for a New Naturalization or Citizenship Document," can be obtained without charge from the nearest office of the Immigration and Naturalization Service. It should be filled out, following the instructions and then taken or mailed to that office with the required photographs and fee. No currency should be sent in the mail. That office will then take the action necessary with regard to issuing the new document and will inform the applicant further. ----- excerpted from Form N-17 (Rev 11/30/92) N prepared by Dept of Justice, Immigration and Naturalization Service ----- Brought to you by - The 'Lectric Law Library The Net's Finest Legal Resource For Legal Pros & Laypeople Alike. http://www.lectlaw.com










钱学森是否曾经申请美国公民?(2009-11-09 14:57:44)


钱学森1935年到美国留学,1939年取得博士学位,1943年成为加州理工学院的助理教授,1946年以上校军衔短期加入美国空军工 作,1947年成为麻省理工学院的教授,1949年成为加州理工学院的教授。1950年6月6日,美国联邦调查局的两个探员敲了钱学森办公室的门。这一 敲,给钱学森在美国蒸蒸日上的事业拨了一瓢冷水。这一敲,也改变了中国未来的火箭发展的进程。

《人民日报海外版》2009年11月3日刊登了林治波的文章。文章说:“在美国居住了20年的钱学森,一直保留着中国国籍,始终眷恋着生他养他的祖国。他后来回忆说:‘我在美国那么长时间,从来没想过这一辈子要在那里呆下去。因为我是中国人。’” 记者李肃后来写文章,质疑钱学森当年从美国返回中国,是出于爱国还是出于无奈。李肃的理由是钱学森曾经申请成为美国公民。钱学森是否曾经申请成为美国公民?这是本文要探讨的问题。

张纯如在《中国导弹之父——钱学森之谜》(Iris Chang: Thread of the Silkworm) 一书中写道(第143页):“钱学森为自己是中国人而骄傲。他永远都会是一个华裔。但他知道他的前途在美国。1949年,他终于迈出了最后一步:他发出申 请要成为美国公民。” (原文:He was proud to be Chinese; he would always be ethnically Chinese; but his future, he knew, lay in the United States. In 1949, he took the final step; he applied for U.S. citizenship.) 书里的附注(第293页)列举了两份美国政府档案,作为钱学森申请美国公民的说明。这两份美国政府档案是:

(1) Declaration of intention to become a U.S. citizen (no. 329866 at U.S. District Court in Boston), April 5, 1949, National Archive, New England Regional Branch.

(2) FBI report (file number 65-4857), September 22, 1950, folder LA23-24, "Investigative Case Files"



William Ryan 和 Sam Summerlin 在1968年写的书“中国的蘑菇云”(The China Cloud)也有类似的描述:“钱学森在1947年回中国探亲后,对中国局势已有足够认识,知道毛泽东的共产党最终要占领中国。但他决定他的前途在美国。 他填写了意图成为美国公民的声明。” (原文:Tsien had seen enough of China to be convinced Mao's Communists would take it over. His future, he decided, was in America. He filed a Declaration of Intention to become a U.S. citizen.)

从 以上两本书的内容来看,钱学森填写的表格是“意图成为美国公民的声明”。现在美国移民局的网站依然有这份表格,列号为N-300。这份表格的说明有这样一 段话:“这份表格的目的是让美国永久居民(绿卡持有者)申请发出‘意图成为美国公民的声明’。 永久居民归化成为美国公民并不需要这个声明,但是在某些州,从事某种职业或取得某些执照需要这个声明。(原文:What Is the Purpose of This Form? This form is for a permanent resident to apply for a Declaration of Intention to become a citizen of the United States. A Declaration of Intention is not required for naturalization, but may be required by some States if you wish to engage in certain occupations or professions, or obtain various licenses.) 很明显,填写这份“意图成为美国公民的声明”并不等于申请美国公民,也不是申请美国公民的步骤。这只是绿卡持有者为了某些工作的需要填写的一个表格。钱学 森当时很可能为了在美国从事军事研究,在延续他的机密许可(Security Clearance)时,填写了这份声明。也就是说,这份表格并不能成为钱学森申请美国公民的证据。


1967 年9月期的美国杂志《ESQUIRE》有一篇文章,题目是“钱博士的苦茶” (原文:The Bitter Tea of Dr. Tsien),作者为Milton Viorst。里面有这样一段文字:“1949年年中,钱学森办了一个手续,一个所有希望永久留在美国的外国人都需要的手续。他旅行到加拿大,申请了一个美国永久居民签证,并用此签证入境美国。此后,他递交了美国公民申请。” (原文:So, in mid-1949, Tsien executed the rite demanded of alliens who wish to remain indefinitely in this country: he went to Canada, acquired a permanent resident's visa and reentered with it. Shortly afterward, he make application to become a citizen of the United States.)

钱学森应该是直到上述提到的1949年的加拿大行,才取得美国绿卡。根据张纯如的书(第92页),钱学森1942年第一次取得机密许可时,还是以一个外国人身份在美国。当时美国刚刚进入二战,而中国是美国的盟国。钱学森读博士时的导师冯卡门(Theodore von Karman)跟军方有密切的关系,他为了钱学森的机密许可给美国政府部门写信,称:“我丝毫不怀疑钱学森对美国的忠诚。”1942年12月1日,美国陆军内务部雇员安全局的主任Battle上校批准了钱学森的机密许可。 另外(书中第111页),冯卡门在1945年邀请钱学森短期加入美国空军的顾问团,前往战败后的德国,考察德国的火箭研究。钱学森担心是否能在德国考察之 后再回到美国,因为他当时持有中华民国护照和美国的(4E)学生签证。后来在美国空军部门的坚持下,美国移民局给钱学森发了回美许可,钱学森这才随顾问团前往德国。

根 据以上的分析,我可以作这样的推测:来美14年后,钱学森1949年才得到美国绿卡。他为了军事研究,需要更新他的机密许可,因此在1949年填写了“意图成为美国公民的声明”,但并未申请加入美国国籍。甚至他的绿卡都可能是仅仅为了填写这份声明(N-300表)而得到的,因为这份声明要求有绿卡身份才能 填写。

因此,张纯如的书说钱学森1949年申请成为美国公民,应该是一个误解,把填写“意图成为美国公民的声明”表格当作公民申请。钱学森逝世后,美国的有些报 道也说钱学森作过公民申请,如美联社(Associated Press)和纽约客(New Yorker),这些应该也是错误的报道。

1949年5月,中国的局势已经明朗,共产党的军队已经占领了北京、南京和上海。而在这个时候,钱学森辞去了麻省理工学院的教授职位,举家从波士顿搬到洛杉矶,成为加州理工学院的教授,主持一个新成立的火箭推进研究中心(Daniel and Florence Guggenheim Jet Propulsion Center)。 钱学森在加州理工学院的办公室,曾经是美国空气动力学的泰斗冯卡门的办公室(冯卡门已经搬到欧洲)。种种迹象,似乎表明此时的钱学森要雄心勃勃地在美国干一番事业,而不是要响应新中国的召唤。但是,钱学森为什么迟迟不申请成为美国公民呢?钱学森当时的真实想法,恐怕直到现在还是一个谜。



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