弗朗西斯·柯林斯(Francis S. Collins)用宗教污染科学


送交者: qquito 于 2009-10-14, 19:07:01:

Francis Collins pollutes science with religion

In today’s New York Times you’ll find Sam Harris’s op-ed piece on Francis Collins’s appointment as director of the National Institutes of Health, explaining why he thinks Collins is a bad choice. When I read a preliminary draft of the piece, I was struck by the list of five slides taken from Collins’s lecture, and so I went to YouTube to watch it. (The link is below.) The slides are taken from a Berkeley lecture in which Collins aims to break down the walls between science and spirituality, areas that he says should not be “walled off” from one another.

After watching this talk (it’s about an hour long, starting at 6:00 and ending at 1:13:00, with the beginning and end occupied by introductions and questions, respectively), I am more certain than ever that Collins really does pollute his science with his faith. (More at http://whyevolutionistrue.wordpress.com/2009/07/27/francis-collins-pollutes-science-with-religion/ .........)



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