interesting, according to the Air Council International,


送交者: steven 于 2009-09-29, 13:50:26:

回答: 北京上海之间每7分钟一次(估计你夸张了些),这样长距离高频率估计全世界独一无二。 由 Amsel 于 2009-09-29, 10:54:37:

Beijing airport rank 21 busiest aiport in traffic movement with 431,670 total movement in 2008. One total movement is landing/taking off of an airplane. So that means there are about 98 total movements in an hour assuming only 12 hrs of significant traffic a day. If there is 7 min lap between flights to and from Shanghai, that means about 1/5 of traffics a day are between Beijing and Shanghai. That is rather high.



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