

送交者: 校长 于 2009-09-24, 17:05:43:




【1.滥用平均数推断总数,没考虑权重。京沪穗深四大城市占销售量的10%,销售额的40%。2. 错误假定存量房价值与新房价值相同。在中小城市非中心地段老公房只能卖到新房1/3到1/2的价格。3. 没考虑大量低价小产权房和职工集资房。】

在农村地区,以中部城市农村为计算依据,住宅造价大多在700~800元/平方米。2006年农村人均住宅建筑面积为30.65平方米,当时农村人口约为 7.37亿,则当时农村住宅总建筑面积约为226亿平方米。由于农村住宅多是拆旧翻新,假定近三年仅上浮1%,则总建筑面积约为228亿平方米,按每平方米700元计算,当前农村住宅总价值为15.98万亿元,再加上城市的75.98万亿元,当前全国住宅总价值约为91.48万亿元。而当前中国的GDP累计值约为31.4万亿元,住宅总价值超出GDP近2倍。

【700元最多也就是replacement cost,不能用于计算存量房价值。不能拿砖混房价格来计算土坯房价格。】

The total property value in the country could touch 90 trillion yuan at present, triple the country's total GDP on a cumulative basis, according to China Securities Journal.

Analysts said the government would find it difficult to cool the hot property as it is the mainstay of the economy.

The total city residential construction area stood at 15.6 billion sq m in 2006 according to statistics from China's National Bureau of Statistics.

Newly added construction area in 2007 and 2008 according to Wind.com.cn reached 1.38 billion sq m, while total residential sales crossed 490 million sq m so far this year.

If one were to add all these three figures, the total construction area of urban residential housing could be estimated at around 17.5 billion sq m. And if one were to multiply it with the average price of 4,312 yuan per sq m, the total value of the country's urban residential housing could be around 75.5 trillion yuan.

The newspaper also used the same method to calculate rural residential housing and estimated it at 15.9 billion yuan.

The total residential housing value of the entire nation could reach 91.48 trillion yuan, tripling the nation's total GDP of 31.4 trillion yuan on a cumulative basis.



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