

送交者: kma 于 2009-09-07, 15:03:32:

my families (4) in china all have 1 each, roughly 6000 RMB. it's all because of my father, the strongest supporter, at his words, my brothers and sisters families all bought later. everytime i talked with my father, he would most likely remind me how good it was.

the reason is his appetite improves a lot after using it, he has long stomach problem and use to eat quite light, he like to show us how little rice he ate daily. but now he eats quite good and seems in good health at his age, i saw it myself. my brother once said his bad breath improves a lot.

don't get me wrong, i don't believe at all those "magical benefits". however, i can think of two explanations: water filtering and placebo effects.

i saw and examined the equipment myself, i believe whatever improvement is caused by filtering water. all my families are living in big and famous cities, still it seems the tap water supply in china is so bad that just boiling is not good enough and any kind of filtration or purification process may improve health significantly.

my families are relatively ok with money and it looks like the water machine has little harmful effect. i suspect there's little chance persuading them (they are well educated, though) and i also think they should drink purified water. so i just leave them alone.

it's a shame, of course, so much money wasted. i think a much cheaper but equally efficient water filter (like those sold in america) should be very popular and helpful in china, people just need some education, maybe xys can do sth on this. hopefully every family in china can drink filtered water.



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