

送交者: 方舟子 于 2008-12-06, 16:51:12:

回答: 连岳的序以罗素为素材应该是看了霍金的”时间简史“ 由 lgvu 于 2008-12-06, 14:10:22:

被你加黑的那句话恰恰是乱翻译。霍金原文是a superior smile,如何成了“很有教养地微笑”?
Most people would find the picture of our universe as an infinite tower of tortoises rather ridiculous, but why do
we think we know better?What do we know about the universe, and how do we know it? Where did the
universe come from, and where is it going? Did the universe have a beginning, and if so, what happened before then? What is the nature of time? Will it ever come to an end? Can we go back in time? Recent breakthroughs
in physics, made possible in part by fantastic new technologies, suggest answers to some of these
longstanding questions. Someday these answers may seem as obvious to us as the earth orbiting the sun – or
perhaps as ridiculous as a tower of tortoises. Only time (whatever that may be) will tell.



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