not sure these would work, but can give a try


送交者: Enlighten 于 2008-09-26, 13:24:51:

回答: 已经这样做了两三年,开始效果不错。但时间长了,效果慢慢减到没有了,怎么办 由 投影 于 2008-09-26, 13:05:58:

1) build a supportive environment: family, friends, colleagues, etc
2) have fun activities outside work
2) enough sleep and exercise

the above will help you recoup and recover. especially exercise will make you feel good physically and mentally.

3) have a positive attitude: treating these as challenges, not pressures. some people actually looking forward to challenges and they enjoy the adrenaline rush.

of course, prolonged challenge/pressure is not good for anyone especially if you dont have sufficient recovery in between. so this goes back to point 1 and 2 above.



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