维生素C的公案 - 能否有抗癌功效?


送交者: kldan 于 2008-09-25, 02:30:04:

斑竹写过批鲍林的文章,认为维 C 没抗癌作用. 8月的PNAS 文章提出抗癌新证据. 短时间看是不会有定论了.

Biological Sciences - Biochemistry:

From the Cover: Pharmacologic doses of ascorbate act as a prooxidant and decrease growth of aggressive tumor xenografts in mice
PNAS 2008 105:11105-11109; published ahead of print August 4, 2008, doi:10.1073/pnas.0804226105

Vitamin C and cancer revisited

Balz Frei* and Stephen Lawson
Linus Pauling Institute, Oregon State University, Corvallis, OR 97331

In this issue of PNAS, Chen et al.
(1) show that i.p. injection of
‘‘pharmacologic doses’’ of vitamin
C decreases the growth and weight
of human, rat, and murine tumor xenografts
in athymic, nude mice. This work
follows a number of articles by the same
group, led by Mark Levine at the National
Institute of Diabetes and Digestive
and Kidney Diseases, showing that
millimolar concentrations of extracellular
vitamin C kill cancer cells but not
normal cells in a hydrogen peroxide
(H2O2)-dependent manner (1–3). Such
millimolar concentrations of vitamin C
can be achieved in humans by i.v. infusion
but not by diet or supplements (4).
Hence, vitamin C is postulated to exert
local pro-oxidant effects in the interstitial
fluid surrounding tumor cells, killing
them or inhibiting their growth, while
leaving normal cells intact (1–3).



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