不过许多跑过波士顿马拉松的实际上是骗子叫bandit runner


送交者: HunHunSheng 于 2008-10-20, 12:37:01:

回答: 曾有个人对我说他跑过波士顿马我当时没什么表示现在终于明白当时他脸上的失望 由 Enlighten 于 2008-10-20, 12:27:45:

They never qualified for Boston but they just go there
and jump in and run. This is against the rule but no one
there strictly enforce the rule.

Bandit runners did not get their finish time recorded but they just love doing it.

Other Boston Marathoin runner may not be qualified too
but they are legitmate runners because they earn their
qualification by running for charity (there is such aquota alloted for such runners).



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