my EQ test first time in my life


送交者: JFF 于 2009-05-08, 21:23:37:

回答: JFF的IQ超过91.1是没有疑问的,EQ么就只有不到11.9了 由 密码不可以和笔名一样 于 2009-05-08, 16:36:10:

Your Score: 60

55 - 60

You work in a Sanctuary - a place that welcomes your soul. We are impressed! Congratulations on your exceptional EQ! If you scored in this range, there is a slight caveat however. You are either extremely high in emotional intelligence or extremely low. How is this possible? These results may reflect your high level of self-knowledge or your complete lack of it since you must be self-aware to assess yourself accurately. For this reason, self-awareness is the foundational competency of emotional intelligence! You may want to seek clarification from a peer, co-worker or family member to validate your score. You've either made it to the top or have a long way to go.

$1.99 U.S. The Two Keys to a Promotion: What do people who get promotions do differently? What can you learn from them that you can apply in your work? Based on a research study, IHHP have determined two key factors that are most correlated with people who receive promotions. Once you’ve been through the free Emotional Intelligence (EI) assessment on our web site, this Podcast will help you learn EI-based tools that you can apply to improve yourself as a personal leader, and give yourself the best chance at receiving a promotion.



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