

送交者: Amsel 于 2009-04-26, 19:24:55:

While subgroup differences exist, Asian Americans tend to wait longer to have children and to have fewer children than other major ethnic groups. Only 6 percent of all live births occur to Asian American women under the age of 20 years. This is strikingly different from the percentages for white Americans (10%), African Americans (23%), and Latinos (18%) (Lee, 1998). Fertility rate data suggest that the AA/PI population will change, and that some ethnic group numbers will decrease over time. The fertility rates of Chinese American women (1.4 children per woman) and Japanese American women (1.1) are lower than the replacement level of 2.1 (the number of children needed for a generation to replace itself). Among Southeast Asian Americans, however, women have high fertility rates and tend to have children at earlier ages than Chinese and Japanese Americans (Lee, 1998). If fertility becomes a more dominant factor than immigration, the proportion of Southeast Asian Americans can be expected to rise compared to that of Chinese and Japanese Americans.



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