其实“育人” 和 “杀人” 是社会常态:


送交者: Fuzzlogic 于 2009-04-05, 01:13:11:

回答: 当上司要你杀人的时候,你怎么办?[续]:这个加拿大人是这样做的 由 Nixrreg 于 2009-04-04, 23:22:52:

For example, if a boss hires a postdoc working in a project for 3-5 years and nothing come out. basically this postdoc is 'killed' for this career track and needs to change to other path. Assume an average 3 years in a postdoc training with a 20% success rate and an average working time of 40 years, it is quite easy to caculate how many persons will be 'killed'.



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