家庭, if it is SEALED by


送交者: yongshi 于 2009-03-30, 08:07:17:

回答: 我特看不惯女人掌指挥棒的家庭, 由 喜爱 于 2009-03-29, 21:59:31:

traditional culture (before liberation in China)
religion (judaism, christianity, muslin),
either husband or wife 掌指挥棒 is not a big deal,
usually they will reach a harmony point
where husband takes care of this areas and wife another areas after a short period of practice.

if it is an open system as Hollywood taught,
such as, 'I love a person who is lovable and lovely
and worthy of love',
this family is always vulnerable,
it all depends on the stability of
circumstances, income, appearance,
kids, degree, position, parents-in-law, etc.
everything can be an extra-force to destroy
this family.



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