送交者: 湘女 于 2009-03-21, 21:26:07:


送交者: yongshi 于 2009-03-24, 11:56:38:

''送交者: 湘女 于 2009-03-21, 21:26:07:

朋友告诉我, 她们办公楼里有一中国男, 来美有十来年了, 每天身上都有股很强的怪味. 既不全是厨房里的饭菜味,也不全是酸臭体味. 大家背后都发牢骚不愿和他一起工作,但没一人敢当面指出问题. 我这位朋友,同是中国人,也是犹豫再三不知该说还是不该说, 怎么说? ''

Please ladies and gentlemen:
Don't laugh at any of Chinese
because we could not get any benefits
from it.

Instead, please understand our weakness.

The issue you addressed is very very common,
many of us have not learned all
skills needed to survive in west countries.
most probably, this fellow USEs a USED
towel after washing face and taking shower,
indeed all Chinese should learn from westerner
to use towel only once after well-washed with
pleasant-odored-softener, another possibility could be
that his clothes were not dried by dryer but air.

Tell him wisely,
when chatting with him,
tell him that a guy from XYZ mentioned
he re-used towel before and he smelled characteristically
so he changed his habit, likewise, clothes drying.



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