洗澡 also follows common sense


送交者: yongshi 于 2009-03-23, 09:21:57:

回答: 湘女,如果早上洗澡的话 由 xinku 于 2009-03-22, 16:45:23:

why people had better 洗澡 at least as often as needed
when affordable?

Common sense: people have to live in certain communities,
as such, one needs to care OTHERs' acceptability and
his own benefits.

when you were college 30 years ago,
impossible for you take a shower each and everyday,
washing feet, head and private was a short-cut.

Asians normally no body-odor, morning shower is an option
indeed, others who bear strong body-odor
really need morning shower, if they can have an evening shower, it would be a plus, like Chinese, 2 showers are



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