更好的bailout plan?


送交者: yell 于 2008-10-05, 12:45:29:

早上听NPR说大多数经济学家们认为有一个更好的bailout plan. 现在的这个bailout plan的主要问题是: taxpayers要花$700 billion去买banks的那些crappy assets。 那些crappy assets很难定出一个合理的价格。“With the Paulson plan, the taxpayer ends up owning toxic assets of questionable value.”

大多数经济学家们prefer的是 stock-injection plan. Taxpayers给banks $700 billion, Taxpayers得到 $10 billion share of something called 'preferred stock'.

可是banks只希望拿到Taxpayers的钱。并不希望被Taxpayers owned。 所以很多powerful banking lobby against the alternative 'preferred stock' plan. Luckily, despite intense bank opposition from the powerful banking lobby, authorizing the government to use a stock-injection plan as an option is in the final version of the bailout bill. 不过在我看来,金融寡头是不会为了Taxpayers的利益去让government使用这个stock-injection option的。



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