股神和教授们都说话了, 听谁的呢?


送交者: 校长 于 2008-10-01, 10:44:12:

当然是听股神的. 教授们是玩嘴皮子的, 股神是玩真金白银的. 教授如果真懂,就不当什么牢什子教授了. 那么股神怎么说呢? 俺好心传达一下股神的讲话精神.

Buffett said he would not have done this deal(指上周买入高盛股票) or any other if he felt the Government Rescue Plan would not be passed. Buffett said he would have been more inclined to "undo" things without the plan."The market could not have taken another week like last week. It was the last thing Hank Paulson wanted to do, but there is no Plan B for this." He said it would be a mistake to buy anything withoug the plan. Buffett added that the only way to help Wall Street de-leverage is for another entity to leverage up, and the only entity to do that now is the Federal Government. He also said that taxpayers stand to make a good profit, assuming the government pays something approximating the current market for the outstanding paper -- a theme he repeated numerous times. "I think the Treasury will pay back the $700 billion and make a considerable amount of momey." Buffett believes Congress will do the right thing. Buffett summarized by saying, "in ten years we will look back and call this an extraordinary buying opportunity.".



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