You didn't read it carefully. The problem is that one has to


送交者: steven 于 2009-01-11, 01:15:15:

回答: 美国政府网页上不是很清楚的指出可以到领事馆办正式手续放弃美籍吗? 由 blackbox 于 2009-01-10, 16:49:15:

meet the following:

1) the citizen has unequivocally admitted in writing an intent to lose US citizenship

2) the renunciation was made at a US diplomatic office outside the US before a US diplomatic officer

3) and that it must be made voluntarily

The question is who is to determine whether these 3 criteria are meet. The case law Carter V Rubin finding is: "it is the Government which decides for the people, not the individual who decides for himself, when a person is in fact a citizen of the US". The bottom line is, if the US government decides you are a citizen of the US, then you are, regardless what you have done.



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