Talk to your eye doc about CRT by Paragon. It's a miracle therapy!


送交者: MacWoods 于 2009-01-09, 15:17:00:

回答: 小孩应戴眼镜还是不戴 由 学州神人 于 2009-01-09, 14:10:27:

我家九岁小子被发现近视有两年.开始心情大家做父母的都都差不多, shock -> deny ->accept. 事实是越不早戴镜影响越糟糕.

今年初终于下决心时看到CRT角膜镜的介绍(PARAGON.COM).试了后小孩,大人全家皆大欢喜! 每晚戴上CRT CONTACT LENs, 早上取下.20/20 no problem for a day even after just one use!

眼科医生还提到发现CRT能减缓小孩近视进程度. (Controlled experiment in families with two kids, the one who has CRT progresses much slower than the one has regular glasses. 1 year later, parents wanted them all on CRT:-)



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