

送交者: 瓜瓜 于 2009-01-03, 08:33:11:

1: Liu YJ, Liu XH, Lei SF, Li MX, Deng HW.
Alpha2-HS glycoprotein gene is associated with bone size at the hip in Chinese.
Yi Chuan Xue Bao. 2005 Nov;32(11):1128-35.
PMID: 16318278 [pubmed - indexed for medline]
注:Liu YJ, 全名为Yong-Jun Liu. 2001年1月到邓红文实验室读博,2005年Creighton大学博士毕业 ( http://orclinux.creighton.edu/students.html#students )。简历可参见http://www.soph.uab.edu/Statgenetics/People/YLiu/YLiuCV.pdf。现为密苏里大学助理教授。http://ortho.umkc.edu/tmc.htm(往下翻页可见)
2: Dvornyk V, Liu PY, Long JR, Zhang YY, Lei SF, Recker RR, Deng HW.
Contribution of genotype and ethnicity to bone mineral density variation in Caucasians and Chinese: a test for five candidate genes for bone mass.
Chin Med J (Engl). 2005 Aug 5;118(15):1235-44.
PMID: 16117875 [pubmed - indexed for medline]
注:Dvornyk V,2001年9月到Creighton大学邓红文实验室工作(http://orclinux.creighton.edu/Dvornyk.html) 现为Kent大学助理教授。http://einside.kent.edu/?type=art&id=4739& 根据其就职经历及发表文章还有照片,可以认为是其本人。 http://einside.kent.edu/?type=art&id=80628&
3: Li JL, Li MX, Deng HY, Duffy PE, Deng HW.
PhD: a web database application for phenotype data management.
Bioinformatics. 2005 Aug 15;21(16):3443-4. Epub 2005 Jun 28.
PMID: 15985495 [pubmed - indexed for medline]
注:Jin-Long Li; 为邓红文妹夫,邓开门弟子,有待确认。但根据其文章发表记可知其没有在湖南师大供过职。文章发表时供职于Seattle Biomedical Research Institute,
4: Liu PY, Li YM, Li MX, Malkin I, Qin YJ, Chen XD, Liu YJ, Deng HW.
Lack of evidence for a major gene in the Mendelian transmission of BMI in Chinese.
Obes Res. 2004 Dec;12(12):1967-73.
PMID: 15687398 [pubmed - indexed for medline]
注:Peng-Yuan Liu. 2002年博士毕业于浙大作物遗传育种专业,师从朱军 (http://res4.nlc.gov.cn/index_lw_detail.jsp?searchword=pubdate%3D%272002+%27&channelid=75008&record=5289&marcid=002206352&panduan=null&channel=75008)。 2002年4月年到Creighton大学邓红文实验室工作,(http://orclinux.creighton.edu/students.html#students)根据其和一个叫 Yan Lu (中文名应为陆燕,因为此二人和朱军有共同署名文章)的文章搜索,其现很可能供职于Washington 大学。http://bulletinoftheschoolofmedicine.wustl.edu/medpa/bulletin.nsf/FA/84CCBF9B7053914D8625740000298616?OpenDocument
5: Zhang YY, Lei SF, Mo XY, Wang YB, Li MX, Deng HW.
The -1997 G/T polymorphism in the COLIA1 upstream regulatory region is associated
with hip bone mineral density (BMD) in Chinese nuclear families.
Calcif Tissue Int. 2005 Feb;76(2):107-12. Epub 2004 Nov 18.
PMID: 15570401 [pubmed - indexed for medline]
注:Yuan-Yuan Zhang, 2002年2月到Creighton大学邓红文实验室工作,现工作于Joslin Diabetes Center。 http://www.diabetesgenome.org/member.cgi?id=74
6: Zhao LJ, Li MX, Guo YF, Xu FH, Li JL, Deng HW.
SNPP: automating large-scale SNP genotype data management.
Bioinformatics. 2005 Jan 15;21(2):266-8. Epub 2004 Sep 17.
PMID: 15377503 [pubmed - indexed for medline]
注:Lan-Juan Zhao, 简历在此:http://orclinux.creighton.edu/lanjuan.html
7: Liu PY, Qin YJ, Zhou Q, Recker RR, Deng HW.
Complex segregation analyses of bone mineral density in Chinese.
Ann Hum Genet. 2004 Mar;68(Pt 2):154-64.
PMID: 15008794 [pubmed - indexed for medline]
8: Liu PY, Qin YJ, Recker RR, Deng HW.
Evidence for a major gene underlying bone size variation in the Chinese.
Am J Hum Biol. 2004 Jan-Feb;16(1):68-77.
PMID: 14689517 [pubmed - indexed for medline]
9: Long JR, Zhang YY, Liu PY, Liu YJ, Shen H, Dvornyk V, Zhao LJ, Deng HW.
Association of estrogen receptor alpha and vitamin D receptor gene polymorphisms
with bone mineral density in Chinese males.
Calcif Tissue Int. 2004 Mar;74(3):270-6. Epub 2003 Nov 6.
PMID: 14595531 [pubmed - indexed for medline]
注:Ji-Rong Long. 2002年1月到Creighton大学邓红文实验室工作,现为Vanderbilt大学助理教授。https://medschool.mc.vanderbilt.edu/facultydata/php_files/show_faculty.php?%20id3=15658
10: Zhang YY, Liu PY, Deng HW.
The impact of reproductive and menstrual history on bone mineral density in
Chinese women.
J Clin Densitom. 2003 Fall;6(3):289-96.
PMID: 14515000 [pubmed - indexed for medline]
11: Long J, Liu P, Zhang Y, Shen H, Liu Y, Dvornyk V, Deng HW.
Interaction effects between estrogen receptor alpha gene, vitamin D receptor
gene, age, and sex on bone mineral density in Chinese.
J Hum Genet. 2003;48(10):514-9. Epub 2003 Sep 19.
PMID: 14505233 [pubmed - indexed for medline]
12: Zhang YY, Long JR, Liu PY, Liu YJ, Shen H, Zhao LJ, Deng HW.
Estrogen receptor alpha and vitamin D receptor gene polymorphisms and bone
mineral density: association study of healthy pre- and postmenopausal Chinese
Biochem Biophys Res Commun. 2003 Sep 5;308(4):777-83.
PMID: 12927786 [pubmed - indexed for medline]
13: Huang QY, Recker RR, Deng HW.
Searching for osteoporosis genes in the post-genome era: progress and challenges.
Osteoporos Int. 2003 Sep;14(9):701-15. Epub 2003 Aug 5. Review.
PMID: 12904838 [pubmed - indexed for medline]
注:Qing-Yang Huang, 2001年2月到Creighton大学邓红文实验室工作。根据发表的文章看,现在应该在香港大学Annie Kung实验室。Email 地址为:huangqy@hkucc.hku.hk (来自文章记录)http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/sites/entrez?db=pubmed&cmd=DetailsSearch&term=huang+q,+Kung+A&log$=activity
14: Qin YJ, Shen H, Huang QR, Zhao LJ, Zhou Q, Li MX, He JW, Mo XY, Lu JH, Recker RR, Deng HW.
Estrogen receptor alpha gene polymorphisms and peak bone density in Chinese nuclear families.
J Bone Miner Res. 2003 Jun;18(6):1028-35.
PMID: 12817755 [pubmed - indexed for medline]
注:Yuejuan Qin, 上海第六人民医院骨质疏松科大夫。从未在邓红文任何实验室工作过。http://www.google.com/search?hl=en&rlz=1T4GGLJ_enUS307US307&q=%E7%A7%A6%E8%B7%83%E5%A8%9F&btnG=Search



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