Hongwen Deng's positions and incomes in China


送交者: 打假博士后 于 2008-12-28, 19:00:00:

Position    Title    Minimum
working time    Income    Web link
            Wage & allowance    Housing    
Xi'an Jiaotong University    Professor    >3 months    >¥100,000/year    Yes    http://unit.xjtu.edu.cn/slst/xueyuanxueren/fengcai.htm
Hunan Normal University    Changjiang chair
professor    >9 months    >¥200,000/year    Yes    http://www.hunnu.edu.cn/hnsd/teachers/CJscholar/t20061108_4040.html
HuaiHua Medical College    TePin Professor    >9 months    Unkown    Yes    http://www.yizhuan.com/web/0/200801/18185323234.html
University of Shanghai
for Science and Technology    TePin Professor    >9 months    Unkown    Yes    Letter support
Beijing Jiaotong University    "BJTU 100 talented plan" oversea professor    >3 months    Unkown    Unkown    http://localnews.bjtu.edu.cn/News_Detail.aspx?n_id=9156
Central South University,
Xiangya School of Medicine    To be determined                

Note: The minimum working time is based on the requirement of Ministry of Education of the People's Republic of China, rather than contracts between Dr. Deng and University.



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