

送交者: bluesea 于 2008-12-23, 18:14:55:

回答: factual errors: Morris's worm did not "美国和欧洲大量的服务器瘫痪" 由 steven 于 2008-12-23, 18:06:22:

把Unix machine说成是服务器也是比较可以接受的常见方式。around 6000 unix machine其中主要是美国和欧洲的,包括日本,当时其他国家的还很少用,这个描述是有些偏差,不过不主要。finger 的主要是功能不就是查email帐户的吗?

Supplying such detailed information as e-mail addresses and full names was considered acceptable and convenient in the early days of Internetworking, but later was considered questionable for privacy and security reasons. Finger information has been frequently used by crackers as a way to initiate a social engineering attack on a company's computer security system. By using a finger client to get a list of a company's employee names, email addresses, phone numbers, and so on, a cracker can telephone or email someone at a company requesting information while posing as another employee. The finger daemon has also had several exploitable security holes which crackers have used to break into systems. The Morris worm exploited an overflow vulnerability in fingerd (among others) to spread.



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