Trus, a self claimed best researcher in the world -- background


送交者: funny22222 于 2008-12-21, 14:55:44:

回答: 俺可不想当这个“终身助理教授”,过两年俺还想当副教授呢:-) 由 trus 于 2008-12-21, 13:02:30:

Trus, a self claimed best researcher in the world, published ~20 papers, only were cited a total of < 30 times....

He often claim he is the best scientist in his area..

Trus, a full professor in SJTU and in Northeastern Agriculture Univ., currently a postdoc. in Deng's group, claimed to be forced to regin from Deng's group to due to bad characters, only after a few Deng's group. However, he still tries to stay as long as he can just to get salary for 1-2 more months....while getting full salaries in his universities in CHina.....

He often boasted in Deng's group he used his research fund in CHina to buy clothes for himself, his family and his girlfriend and buy food (meals) for young female students in his university, request for such investhation may be needed in his XJTU....

Whoever will be guilty will be found out by official investigations.......So, hold your breadth before making any conlcusions......



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