I don't think Zhang Yangde is so stupid. His daughter just


送交者: Amsel 于 2008-01-09, 19:14:00:

回答: 不回国捞世界怎么对得起老子的精心策划,简直是犯罪嘛。 由 LB 于 2008-01-09, 18:56:12:

took the holiday to visit her parents, and got some money and renown, that's it.

Miss Zhang will definetly keep her current job. His daddy doesn't need her to grasp money from China.

Some guys in this forum may hope Zhang's family get into trouble in the states. Stop thinking about that. Zhang Yangde and other bastards like him stole the money from righteous scientists in China, that's why bioscience in China are seriously inhibited. Otherwise you have to face more competition.



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