

送交者: Amsel 于 2008-03-18, 19:03:21:

回答: 曹泽毅跟heinzl S一起发的文章用web of knowledge找不到 由 pingshcn 于 2008-03-18, 17:23:33:


这个瑞士妇产科杂志肯定是Gynakologische Rundschau,现在叫Gynakologische Geburtshilfliche Rundschau. 1982年该刊是22卷,跟mmandrobert说的对得上。但是该卷没有mmandrobert所提的关于CO2激光的文章。

Heinzl 发在该刊上关于CO2激光的文章是登在1980年的增刊上,没曹的名字:


Heinzl S First experiences in the CO2-laser treatment of changes in cervix, vagina, vulva and perineum. Gynakologische Rundschau (1980), 20 Suppl 1 136-7. Journal code: 0011363. ISSN:0017-6001. PubMed ID 7194224 AN 81165798 MEDLINE

Scifinder上找到的Heinzl S (Siegfried) 的所有年份发在所有期刊上的文章没一篇有曹的名字的。

以下是Heinzl S 1990年前发在瑞士妇产科杂志的文章:

Deslex N; Pavic N; Rudin C; Heinzl S Obstetrics for HIV positive pregnant patients. Gynakologische Rundschau (1990), 30(1), 1-7. Journal code: 0011363. ISSN:0017-6001. PubMed ID 2347510 AN 90269652 MEDLINE

Meyer L; Heinzl S Breast stimulation for labor induction in a stress test. Gynakologische Rundschau (1989), 29(4), 193-9. Journal code: 0011363. ISSN:0017-6001. PubMed ID 2628228 AN 90185416 MEDLINE

Heinzl S; Hendry M; Gobat S; Zehnder A Endometrium cytology with endoscan. Gynakologische Rundschau (1986), 26(1), 26-34. Journal code: 0011363. ISSN:0017-6001. PubMed ID 3699582 AN 86193779 MEDLINE

Heinzl S; Winkler C; Allemann F Experiences with sulproston for cervical priming in pregnancy termination in the 1st trimester. Gynakologische Rundschau (1982), 22(4), 233-40. Journal code: 0011363. ISSN:0017-6001. PubMed ID 7160659 AN 83133445 MEDLINE

Heinzl S; Vuletic N; Stirmer V; Radakovic D Analgesia with buprenorphin (Temgesic) in abortions with sulproston (PGE2 derivative). Gynakologische Rundschau (1980), 20 Suppl 1 69-71. Journal code: 0011363. ISSN:0017-6001. PubMed ID 7194242 AN 81165819 MEDLINE

Heinzl S First experiences in the CO2-laser treatment of changes in cervix, vagina, vulva and perineum. Gynakologische Rundschau (1980), 20 Suppl 1 136-7. Journal code: 0011363. ISSN:0017-6001. PubMed ID 7194224 AN 81165798 MEDLINE




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