It depends what they meant by that. If they meant


送交者: steven 于 2008-02-28, 12:51:05:

回答: 海鸡陆鸡空鸡天鸡 由 deadmeat 于 2008-02-28, 12:16:07:

all these bases are needed for the engagement, then that is bullshit. That is physically impossible. No matter how fast the link is, there are delays in signal propagation. To be a real anti-missile system, it has to be simple, once the target acquisition is complete, the engagement has to be very quick, and that does not rely on other systems.

On the other hand, for the whole operation, in this case, NORAD provide tracking, and perhaps some satellite control guys select the window for engagement to maximize the probability to bring the debris into ocean quick. Satellite base communication system link the ship to the decision makers, and perhaps provides video link just for the hack of it. Some other surveillance & reconnaissance systems are monitoring the whole thing to assess the result. Yeah, in that regards, you have your four chicks.



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