My God, 你也太无知了。


送交者: james_bond_3rd 于 2008-02-22, 14:49:20:

回答: 共和党是如何反对habeas corpus? 可要证据,不许造谣 由 sofar 于 2008-02-22, 14:42:08:

The Republican congress suspended Habeas Corpus in Sept 2006 and it was signed into law by Bush. In July 2007 Senate judicial committee voted to restore Habeas Corpus by a vote of 11-8 (the Habeas Corpus Restoration Act of 2007), with only one Republican voting with all the Democrats. The bill was later filibustered by Republicans and was never passed.

As of today, we do not have Habeas Corpus in the US. We have made the first step towards a fascist state. And you don't even know it!



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