

送交者: Amsel 于 2008-09-14, 20:08:48:


Because of the phytoestrogen content, some studies, but not all, have suggested that there is an inverse correlation between soybean ingestion and testosterone in men.[51] For this reason, they may protect against the development of prostate cancer.[52] A theoretical decrease in the risk of prostate cancer should, however, be weighed against the possible side-effects of decreased testosterone, which are still unclear. The popular fear that soybeans might cause reduced libido and even feminine characteristics in men has not been indicated by any study; the popularity of the notion seems to be based on the simplistic misapprehension that estrogen and testosterone have a simple, inverse relationship in sexual hormone systems and sex-related behaviour. Their interplay is very complicated and largely still unknown.[53]

Studies published in July 2008 show that Soy products and, more specifically, the phytoestrogen they contain might lower a man's sperm count.[citation needed]



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