Letter by施一公: signs of a 愤青 in the US?


送交者: 龙灯 于 2008-08-11, 16:42:38:


This is a link to a letter by Prof. Yigong Shi in March, 2007. He thinks that in order to advance China, freedom of speech and democracy for the Chinese people have to be sacrificed or we simply don’t deserve them. He argued that such Western things cannot be applied to the diverse masses in China. I figured that he would rather the US media report the “peaceful and happy” existence of the Chinese for the American public just like the Chinese state media for the Chinese public. He doesn’t have to worry about these things now if he has truly and whole-heartedly returned to China.

I remember the Japanese used to argue that US rice should not be allowed in Japan because the Japanese digestive system differs from that of the Americans.



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