studierte von 1935 bis 1945 in Göttingen. Er wurde 1941 promoviert.


送交者: del 于 2008-01-26, 03:08:24:

回答: 这段材料可能也是老季提供的,但是疑点非常大: 由 Amsel 于 2008-01-25, 13:40:38:

This is strange. Usually "studieren" is Diplom阶段的学习. (In general, Diplom=Bachelor+Master). The period after getting Diplom is not "studieren". Especially,
after getting Docter degree (Promotion) it is definitely
not "studieren". It should be "arbeiten" (work).

It is most probably provided by himself.

This in fact could happen. One year ago I received
a letter from HU Berlin to ask me if I have studied
and gotten degree in HU and asked to fill some forms,
though I just visited HU privately for several hours.



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