

送交者: 短江学者 于 2008-07-10, 19:54:19:

回答: 应该是最容易预测吧?正态分布的检验势最大,换言之置信区间最窄 由 HunHunSheng 于 2008-07-10, 19:42:37:

If nothing is known about a distribution except that it belongs to a certain class, then the maximum entropy distribution for that class is often chosen as a default, according to the principle of maximum entropy. The motivation is twofold: first, maximizing entropy minimizes the amount of prior information built into the distribution; second, many physical systems tend to move towards maximal entropy configurations over time.

The normal distribution N(μ,σ2) has maximum entropy among all real-valued distributions with specified mean μ and standard deviation σ. Therefore, if all you know about a distribution is its mean and standard deviation, it is often reasonable to assume that the distribution is normal.



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