For soothing your fragile heart, I am telling you something


送交者: 華有缺 于 2008-06-08, 19:54:54:

回答: 怎么大家好像不怎么care似的:中日科学家成功演示冷核聚变 由 ylight 于 2008-06-08, 18:25:00:

to let you feel better.

A decade ago, almost the whole world is fooled by a bunch of deceitful and greedy morons. Those morons tell the whole world that there will be "bugs" once in a millennium, those deceitful morons make a lot of money out of it.

Now, half of the world is fooled by morons and cheaters by the means of "global warming". Some cheaters and morons make big money and fame out of it.



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