

送交者: james_hussein_bond 于 2008-06-06, 18:59:36:

回答: 一个磕破头,另一个白血病。 由 Enlighten 于 2008-06-06, 15:57:15:


Most people will be completely turned off by your lack of tact. You will be a much better person by learning some of the basics of human courtship. One consequence of learning and using such protocols, is that sometimes the signal gets muddled, so mistakes can happen. But that's the price we pay for being civilized, for not hurting more people in your quest for a mate.

Why do we need to follow a courtship protocol? Here is some discussion

A while back, I read of two psychologists who had concluded that dysfunctional courtships — courtships that do not follow, or that slight, the general pattern of human courting — almost invariably result in dysfunctional relationships and marriages. If that’s true, the importance of courtship in humans is clear.

I have a strong hunch, but based only on anecdotal evidence, that when dysfunctional courtships result in sex, one, the other, or both partners is very apt to feel exploited, abused and even humiliated by the sex. From what I’ve seen, it seems courtships prepare us emotionally and psychologically for sexual intimacy. Without a good courtship, we are not prepared for that level of intimacy, and our feelings afterwards often show it.

As a good start, you may want to check out this:

Your comments here have consistently displayed a level of immaturity and a lack of empathy (have you learned that word by now?)



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