无独有偶 "军事专家"罗援少将说4000米以上会让人瞬间丧失知觉或神志不清。


送交者: steven 于 2008-05-28, 12:43:05:

回答: 中土知识产权局副局长说软件的盗版率只有41%, 你相信吗? 由 true 于 2008-05-28, 12:19:15:

"军事专家"罗援少将 说道:

However, the problem is: at the base camp at 5,380 m (17,700 ft) on the south side of Everest in Nepal, climbers don't wear 氧气罩, and they function quit well. Those climbers stay there for a couple weeks to adjust themselves and prepare for the climb. Why don't they "瞬间丧失知觉或神志不清"?

A typical HALO/HAHO (High Altitude-Low Opening/High Altitude-High Opening) insertion, paratroopers jump at the altitudes between 7600m and 11000m. A lot higher than 4000/5000m. A typical US paratrooper is trained for both dated back in the 60s. Before HALO/HAHO, paratroopers get prebreath of pure oxygen, however, for a 4000/5000m jump, that is not required. A normal healthy person won't have any problem in that altitude.



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