The sad thing is: White House shouldn't have to do that.


送交者: steven 于 2008-05-13, 13:03:17:

回答: 白宫的救援指挥部在飓风袭击的36小时后成立 由 阳明 于 2008-05-13, 09:06:33:

Katrina wasn't really a "big" thing if FEMA did their job right. During 89 SF earthquake, or a couple of other Cat 5 Hurricanes, before GWB, FEMA did their jobs, and the states and cities did their jobs. White House wasn't even involved. Since GWB's reorg, and appointed a dog-breeding lawyer as the FEMA's head, plus Katrina, things started get out of hands. After all, Katrina is a lot small scale comparing to what China is facing right now. The death toll for Katrina was about 1400. Now in China just the death toll is a lot higher. Also the obstacles are very different too. Now there are many people trapped in life threatening situation. Katrina, people were stranded, and looting and all that. So it is different.



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