Kishore Mahbubani: A new civilization is being reborn..


送交者: Fuzzlogic 于 2008-04-29, 22:33:11:

From "The Agenda"
I'm delighted to see there is such a disagreement of views here, because in many ways this program of yours makes me understand why a book like mine had to be returned. Because you have to balance what I called this self-referential dialogue, that go in the west about Asia, China, and so on so forth. Here's a quick word about Tibet, the issue of the day. Everybody've been talking about thousands of people protesting against Chinese government. You know what happened in Tibet? Hundreds of millions of Chinese have come together on the question of Tibet. Not just, by the way, Chinese on mainland, (but also) the liberal, western educated overseas Chinese. You watch the demonstrations of Chinese overseas, it showes you, that there is something happening within the Chinese nation, that is larger than the Chinese Communist Party, larger than all these problems. A new civilization is being reborn in China.That's a much, much bigger story that the west doesn't get, that you focus on all the details.



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