"沃顿MBA反暴力反歧视支持奥运纪实"报导失实 (ZT)


送交者: Hahaha 于 2008-04-24, 18:32:40:

发信人: Truth1 (nothing but truth), 信区: ChinaNews
标 题: "沃顿MBA反暴力反歧视支持奥运纪实"报导失实
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Thu Apr 24 19:08:00 2008)


“……The debate in Wharton about China and its interactions with Tibet has
been multi-faceted, and we’ve all come a long way in accepting different
views. We may each interpret available information differently, but we have
also all come to the understanding that no media source, including Chinese
and Western media, is perfect. The session on Monday was meant to present
several views, including those of minorities within China, and promote
healing in the Wharton population….”

“….the post was indeed skewed, and does not accurately portray the entire
story, at least in my mind. That is the point I’m trying to make here: I
don’t think my classmates are lying on behalf of the Chinese government,
because that implies that they know something is not true. They have grown
up to believe certain things, and they select media sources which are likely
to be biased. Therefore, what many of these students have done is present
their view of the truth. They told us they are not working for the Chinese
government, and I believe that….”

“….Most of the audience knew what was going on in the presentation. We
learn to take everything with a grain of salt; that is part of what being an
MBA is about. So there weren’t any people who suddenly believed that
Tiananmen didn’t happen, or that the Chinese government is totally
benevolent. I believe that blogger is more extreme in his views, and
interpreted the presentation in a different way, which is his right, even
though I think it is wrong. That is true freedom of speech. That he took
it off shortly after posting suggests to me that he reconsidered its message
or the use of Wharton to spread his interpretation of the presentation.
Unfortunately, he did not predict how quickly this would be spread



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