I feel sick after watching Memoir of Geisha


送交者: asimpleday 于 2005-12-25, 13:21:31:

I am an ordinary overseas Chinese. I went to watch the movie for the support of our actresses. However,I felt so sorry and sick and even sad and angry after watching that movie. Though these ladies not depicting themselve as Chinese in the movie, I still can not accept them acting as what I thought merely a higher class prostitutes in such an culture and time in the history for me as a Chinese felt deeply insulted. I do not understand why they would even consider accepting these roles, there is a Chinese saying called "君子有所为亦有所不为。”and there is another say: "不为五斗米折腰。”Comparing to the movie I watched the day before, MUNICH, there is such a difference. I respect Jewish people's persistance, their self dignity and pride of the nation. No matter how biased or controverisial the movie is, the spirit of such a nation earns my respect.

I hope in the future, I will see only the kind of movies like Bruce Lee's and Jackie Chen's which I will be proud of.



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